Get Kids to Listen...The First Time... Every time
And more parenting help….

Instantly be able to apply simple, effective techniques & strategies to turn all your child’s unwanted behaviors around quickly with long lasting results.

Uncover the daily struggles that are keeping your kids from behaving and keeping you from enjoying being their parent.

Have the confidence, the expert know how & ability to parent from a place of conscious intention… while enjoying your kids and creating wonderful memories for years to come. 

Each module dives into the biggest parenting challenges, giving you practical (and ready-to-use-now tools). Here’s a sneak-peek...

Susan Epstein, LCSW | Parent Coach

Susan has appeared on Fox TV, ABC and been quoted as an expert in Family Circle, American Baby, Parents, NY Magazine, The Day Newspaper and hundreds of online magazines and blogs.


As seen in ...

Here’s What You’ll Receive When You Register for Mom Magic!

  • Module #1 | The Sure-Fire Mom Road Map

Empower you to be an Amazing Mom & Get Instant Understanding about your family by giving you my *secret* powerful resources that are guaranteed to improve your kids behavior and your effectiveness as their mom.

  • Module #2 | The ‘Back-Talk’ Blocker

Harness the Mindful Robotic Parenting Method- How to end disrespectful behaviors for good and connect with the loving gentle kids you know your kids really are.

  • Module #3 | Susan’s Super Tantrum Stopper

Discover 5 must-have-strategies to keep your kids on track for everything you need them to do from morning until bedtime without arguing and temper tantrums.

  • Module #4 | The Homework Happy Hour

Uncover the #1 shift you can make with your kids… to increase motivation and end homework battles once and for all.

  • Module #5 | Mom’s Harmonious Home

Your mom GPS- ready to use templates that will ensure that you always consistently follow through and you are never at a loss of what to do or how to respond to your kids.